Cooking Expertise

Becoming older in life, we have to experience with something that’s remarkable and help us to face life. That is Cooking. All the students live in Liger for four years, they now become something call “Senior Cohort.” It’s been a while to stay and learn as Junior Cohort but becoming older is bring us to take another step in life. So cooking expertise is cooking class is guiding us to be able to cook when we come back from holiday, we can cook properly. Our advisor is this class, Matt is a chef of the school. He had a lot of experience cooking, also it’s his passion. Everyday in cooking class he helps us, gives us feedback, and support us to be brave to get reading in cooking. He always gives his full effort in class to teach us. After, we learn all the courses we’re having a small test that wraps up our whole cooking class courses.

I want to tell something to all the cooks, there is something called “Cross Contamination.” Cross Contamination is an action of bacteria spread to other places by humans. For example, while you’re cutting the chicken and there’s a blood. After that you continue to cut the vegetables. This an action of Cross Contamination because when you prepare the chicken, the chicken blood had a lot of bacteria and without clean you hand, you continue to prepare the vegetable. So before doing something, everybody have to clean their hands and if you’re cooking, you have to clean your hand after finished one step and to another step to avoid Cross Contamination.

If you are the beginner of cooking, this is some lessons that I had learn for the time in class.

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